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The First 20 Hours

288 pages, 2014



909 books


705 books

There’s never been a better time to learn a new skill, equip yourself with information, or start your career—your life is yours for the taking. But how can you do that? Since we live in an age of instant gratification, when the promise of getting something done through technology seems too easy, and even mastering a skill feels like too much work, there’s a common assumption that learning any new thing is impossible. That idea is wrong. In The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything Easily, Quickly, or Effectively, You can learn any new skill as quickly as possible through a systematic approach termed Rapid Skill Acquisition.

The Power of Focused Learning

In The First 20 Hours, Josh Kaufman explores the concept of rapid skill acquisition. He suggests that you can learn just about anything in 20 hours if you're strategic and focused. So, if you've been putting off learning a new skill, this book might just give you the push you need.

The 10 Principles of Rapid Skill Acquisition

Kaufman lays out a 10-step process for rapid learning. These steps include things like choosing a lovable project, breaking it down into manageable chunks, and practicing intelligently. Check out the book to find out the rest of the steps and how you can apply them to your own learning journey.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

One of the key takeaways from The First 20 Hours is that fear of failure often holds us back from trying new things. Kaufman encourages readers to see failure as a stepping stone to success, not a dead end. This shift in mindset can help you tackle any new skill with confidence.

The Importance of Deliberate Practice

Kaufman emphasizes the importance of deliberate practice in learning a new skill. This means fully engaging with the task at hand, seeking immediate feedback, and constantly pushing your comfort zone. If you're looking to pick up a new skill, this book will show you how to practice effectively.

The Myth of the 10,000 Hours Rule

You might have heard that it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill. But Kaufman challenges this idea in The First 20 Hours, arguing that you can achieve a decent level of proficiency in a much shorter time. If you're curious about this, take a look at the research he presents in the book.

Quotes 3

The First 20 Hours is a practical guide to learning beyond our mid-20s, when our brains are fully developed. Josh's book will inspire you to pick up forgotten hobbies and chase elusive skills.

Chris GuillebeauChris Guillebeau - Author, Blogger

Josh Kaufman's The First 20 Hours breaks down the learning process into simple, manageable steps. A must-read for anyone who's ever wanted to get better at anything.

Cal NewportCal Newport - Author, Professor

With Kaufman's guidance, you can change your life by learning how to learn. The First 20 Hours is a smart, methodical and winning way to learn the skills that really matter to you.

Daniel PinkDaniel Pink - Author, Speaker
Chris GuillebeauCal NewportDaniel Pink


Justin Kan

Justin Kan

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