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672 pages, 2014



1382 books

Kelsier was a Mistborn, and he can do it. Vin has a chance to be another. A simple street urchin who is mistreated by her uncle has suddenly become important to the crew, who hope she will be the one to free them from their underworld prison of life as a thief. 

But Vin is distracted by an aristocrat named Elend who may hold the key to the mystery of the Lord Ruler, who has returned great magic to mankind and then imprisoned it in iron. And then there's Kelsier - what has he done? Can she trust him?

The Power of Belief

In Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson explores the concept of belief and its power to shape reality. The characters in the book show us that what we believe about ourselves can either limit us or empower us to do great things. So, take a look at your own beliefs. Are they holding you back or pushing you forward?

The Importance of Trust

Trust is a recurring theme in Mistborn. Sanderson shows us that trust is not just about believing in others, but also about trusting in ourselves and our abilities. So, why not take a moment to reflect on the trust you have in yourself and others?

The Complexity of Good and Evil

Sanderson doesn't paint his characters as purely good or evil in Mistborn. Instead, he explores the complexity of human nature, showing us that everyone has both light and dark within them. This encourages us to see people in a more nuanced way, rather than labeling them as simply 'good' or 'bad'.

The Power of Resilience

In Mistborn, the characters face numerous challenges and hardships. But instead of giving up, they show resilience and determination. This is a great reminder for us to stay strong and keep going, no matter what life throws at us.

The Value of Friendship

Friendship plays a crucial role in Mistborn. The characters rely on each other for support and strength, showing us the importance of having good friends in our lives. So, take some time to appreciate the friends you have and the value they bring to your life.

Quotes 3

Mistborn is a masterwork of storytelling that keeps the reader hooked from the first page to the last.

Patrick RothfussPatrick Rothfuss - Fantasy Author

Mistborn is a captivating and innovative epic fantasy, where magic and science coexist.

James DashnerJames Dashner - YA Dystopian Author

Mistborn is a fascinating and complex fantasy that shows Sanderson's gift for creating worlds.

Orson Scott CardOrson Scott Card - Science Fiction Author
Patrick RothfussJames DashnerOrson Scott Card


Sophie Bakalar

Sophie Bakalar

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