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The Feminine Mystique

608 pages, 2013



85 books

The introduction to the 50th anniversary edition of The Feminine Mystique. In 1963, Betty Friedan's classic book The Feminine Mystique introduced a new consciousness about women's lives and changed the course of history. She showed how educated women like herself had been imprisoned in what she called "The Problem That Has No Name." It was not until her groundbreaking work that anyone realized how oppressive a male-dominated society can be for women: its devastating effects on their education, their careers, and even their self-esteem. The Feminine Mystique is filled with fascinating anecdotes and interviews as well as insights that continue to inspire.

The Problem That Has No Name

In The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan explores the widespread unhappiness of women in the 1950s and 60s. She refers to this as 'The Problem That Has No Name'. Friedan argues that society's expectation for women to be happy with a life centered around home and family was causing this dissatisfaction.

The Importance of Identity Beyond Motherhood

Friedan emphasizes that women need to find their identity beyond just being wives and mothers. She encourages women to look into their own needs, desires, and ambitions. This book will make you see the importance of personal growth and self-discovery.

Education and Career for Women

The Feminine Mystique encourages women to pursue education and a career. Friedan believes that this is key to overcoming the feelings of dissatisfaction. She argues that women should not limit themselves to the roles society has set for them.

The Feminine Mystique's Impact on Society

This book played a significant role in the second wave of feminism. Friedan's research and arguments challenged the traditional roles of women, leading to significant social and political changes. Check out how she sparked a revolution in the way society views women.

The Power of Self-Realization

One of the key messages in The Feminine Mystique is the power of self-realization. Friedan encourages women to dig deep into their own desires and ambitions, and not to be confined by societal expectations. This book will inspire you to take control of your own life and happiness.

Quotes 5

The Feminine Mystique forever changed women's lives. It was the spark that ignited the modern women's movement.

Gloria SteinemGloria Steinem - Feminist, Journalist, Activist

The Feminine Mystique was groundbreaking. It gave voice to the unspoken feelings of countless women and inspired them to strive for more.

Sheryl SandbergSheryl Sandberg - Facebook COO, Author

The Feminine Mystique is a powerful book that opened my eyes to the realities of being a woman in society.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Media Executive, Philanthropist

The Feminine Mystique was a game-changer. It challenged the status quo and paved the way for gender equality.

Ruth Bader GinsburgRuth Bader Ginsburg - Supreme Court Justice

The Feminine Mystique was a catalyst for change. It inspired a generation of women to demand equal rights.

Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton - Politician, Diplomat
Gloria SteinemSheryl SandbergOprah WinfreyRuth Bader GinsburgHillary Clinton


Patrick Collison

Patrick Collison
