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The Feldman Method

204 pages, 1989

business & management

business & management

1082 books

If you have a sales job, this is the book for you. It contains a step-by-step action plan leading to sales success. The philosophies, approaches and closes are all here, as well as power phrases that made Ben Feldman the greatest insurance salesman in the world. If you want to be successful at your job, this book is for you.

Master the Art of Selling

In 'The Feldman Method', Andrew H. Thomson shares the secrets of Ben Feldman, one of the greatest salesmen in history. You'll explore Feldman's unique selling techniques and strategies that can help you excel in your own sales career.

Understand the Power of Persistence

One of the key lessons from the book is the importance of persistence. Feldman believed that success in sales comes from relentless effort and never giving up. Check out how he applied this principle in his own career.

Learn to Communicate Effectively

Thomson emphasizes the importance of effective communication in sales. He shares Feldman's methods of explaining complex ideas in simple terms, making it easier for customers to understand and buy into his products.

Discover the Importance of Building Relationships

In 'The Feldman Method', you'll see how Feldman prioritized building strong relationships with his clients. He believed that trust and rapport were key to successful sales, and Thomson provides practical tips on how you can do the same.

Develop a Winning Mindset

Thomson shows how Feldman's mindset played a crucial role in his success. From setting ambitious goals to maintaining a positive attitude, you'll find plenty of inspiration to develop your own winning mindset.


Tracy DiNunzio

Tracy DiNunzio
