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The Far Pavilions

960 pages, 1997



1382 books

THE FAR PAVILIONS is a magnificent romantic/historical/adventure novel set in India at the time of mutiny. It is a story about an English man—Ashton Pelham-Martyn—brought up as a Hindu and his passionate, but dangerous love for an Indian princess. To the burning plains and snow-capped mountains of this great, humming continent, M. M. Kaye brings her quite exceptional gift of immediacy and meticulous historical accuracy, plus her insight into the human heart."

Exploring Cultural Differences

The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye gives us a deep look into the cultural differences between the British and Indian societies during the British Raj. It's a great chance to explore the complexities of these two cultures and how they interacted during this historical period.

Understanding the Power of Love

The book shows us the power of love in overcoming societal norms and prejudices. The love story between Ashton and Anjuli is a testament to the strength of love in the face of adversity. It's a beautiful reminder that love knows no boundaries.

The Impact of Upbringing

M.M. Kaye's book also highlights the impact of upbringing on one's identity. Ashton, raised in both British and Indian cultures, struggles with his identity throughout the book. It's a great way to see how our upbringing shapes who we are.

Historical Insights

The Far Pavilions is not just a love story, it's also a historical novel. It gives us a glimpse into the events of the 19th century Anglo-Afghan wars. If you're a history buff, you'll definitely want to check this out.

The Beauty of Descriptive Writing

One of the key takeaways from this book is the beauty of M.M. Kaye's descriptive writing. The vivid descriptions of India's landscapes, people, and culture will transport you to another time and place. It's a great example of how powerful and immersive good descriptive writing can be.


James Mattis

James Mattis


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