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The Fair Fight

480 pages, 2016



1382 books

When Ruth is thrust into the ring to earn her keep at Dryers brothel, she hopes to escape a life of degradation. But it seems there is no way out until Charlotte Dryer enters her life. The daughter of a rich merchant who believes that boxing can save both their souls from corruption, she offers Ruth an extraordinary proposition. And when tragedy strikes on the eve of Toms Championship fight, nothing can stop their battle for love in which nothing is sacred and nobody gets out alive.

The Power of Female Resilience

The Fair Fight by Anna Freeman showcases the resilience and strength of women. The book explores the lives of female boxers in the 18th century, showing us that women can be just as tough and determined as men. It's a great reminder that we should never underestimate the power of female resilience.

The Importance of Friendship

In The Fair Fight, Anna Freeman paints a vivid picture of the importance of friendship. The bond between the female boxers is a central theme in the book, showing us that friendships can provide support and strength in the toughest of times. It's a great reminder to cherish our friendships and lean on each other when times get tough.

The Struggles of the Lower Class

The Fair Fight takes a deep look into the struggles of the lower class in the 18th century. It's a stark reminder of the harsh realities faced by those less fortunate and the lengths they had to go to survive. This book will make you appreciate the comforts of modern life and inspire you to help those less fortunate.

The Thrill of Boxing

If you're a fan of boxing, you'll love The Fair Fight. Anna Freeman does an excellent job of capturing the thrill and excitement of the sport. The book is filled with intense boxing matches that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It's a must-read for any boxing enthusiast.

The Fight for Equality

The Fair Fight is more than just a book about boxing. It's a book about the fight for equality. The female boxers in the book are not just fighting in the ring, but also fighting against societal norms and expectations. It's a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight for gender equality.


Jessica Biel

Jessica Biel
