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The Exorcist

400 pages, 2011



1382 books

The Exorcist is the most terrifying novel ever written. A product of true events from Blatty’s childhood. Directly inspired by the memoir of a friend who had an exorcism performed on his daughter, this book tells the story of a 12-year-old girl who is possessed by a demon, and the priests tasked with helping her. It has been reprinted countless times and spawned multiple movie versions in several different languages.

Exploring the Battle Between Good and Evil

In The Exorcist, William Peter Blatty takes us on a journey that explores the eternal battle between good and evil. The book shows us that even in the face of unimaginable horror, the power of faith and goodness can triumph.

The Power of Faith

One of the key themes in The Exorcist is the power of faith. The book encourages us to look into the strength that faith can provide in the most challenging circumstances. It's a reminder that belief can be a powerful tool in overcoming adversity.

The Complexity of Human Nature

Blatty's book doesn't just give us a chilling tale of demonic possession. It also encourages us to dig deeper into the complexity of human nature. The characters in the book are multi-dimensional, each battling their own inner demons, making the story relatable on a human level.

The Reality of Evil

The Exorcist forces us to confront the reality of evil in the world. It's not just about the supernatural, but also about the evil that humans are capable of. This book encourages us to research and understand the nature of evil, and how it can be confronted and overcome.

The Importance of Courage

In the face of terrifying circumstances, the characters in The Exorcist show immense courage. This book is a testament to the human spirit and its ability to fight against all odds. It's a call to action for us to find our own courage in the face of adversity.

Quotes 5

The Exorcist is a masterstroke of horror, a benchmark against which all other horror novels are judged.

Stephen KingStephen King - Horror Fiction Author

The Exorcist is one of the best movies to come out of the 70s, a psychological thriller that goes straight for the jugular.

Roger EbertRoger Ebert - Film Critic

The Exorcist, in its own terrifying way, is a cinematic masterpiece.

Peter TraversPeter Travers - Film Critic

The Exorcist is a brilliantly written, chilling and multi-layered exploration of a possession.

James HerbertJames Herbert - Horror Fiction Writer

The Exorcist is a novel that will shake you to your core, a terrifying exploration of the battle between good and evil.

Clive BarkerClive Barker - Horror Fiction Author
Stephen KingRoger EbertPeter TraversJames HerbertClive Barker


authorBrian Grazer

Brian Grazer


The Exorcist found in libraries

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