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The End of Alzheimer’s

320 pages, 2017

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Dale Bredesen offers hope to anyone looking to prevent and even reverse Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline. Revealing that Alzheimer's is not one condition but three, Dr. Bredesen outlines 36 factors that trigger brain shrinkage. The protocol shows us how to rebalance these factors using lifestyle modifications like taking vitamin B12, eliminating gluten or improving oral hygiene. The results are impressive—of the first ten patients on the protocol, nine displayed significant improvement within 3-6 months; since then, similar results have been achieved with hundreds more. Now The End of Alzheimer's brings new hope to a broad audience of patients, caregivers and physicians with an inside look at the science behind prevention and treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

Understanding Alzheimer's

In 'The End of Alzheimer’s', Dale E. Bredesen takes us on a journey to understand Alzheimer's disease. He explains that it's not just one disease, but several different types that require different treatments. This is a game-changer in the way we see and treat this illness.

Prevention is Key

Bredesen emphasizes the importance of prevention. He believes that by making certain lifestyle changes, we can significantly reduce our risk of developing Alzheimer's. This includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleep habits. It's never too early to start!

Personalized Treatment

The book explores the idea of personalized treatment for Alzheimer's. Bredesen argues that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. Instead, he suggests a comprehensive, personalized program that addresses each patient's unique needs and conditions.

The Role of Genetics

While genetics do play a role in Alzheimer's, they aren't the whole story. Bredesen explains that our lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on whether or not we develop the disease. So, even if you have a family history of Alzheimer's, you're not doomed to get it.

Hope for the Future

Perhaps the most important takeaway from 'The End of Alzheimer’s' is that there is hope. Bredesen's research and methods have shown that it's possible to prevent and even reverse cognitive decline. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand this disease and take proactive steps to protect their brain health.

Quotes 4

Dr. Bredesen's groundbreaking protocol demonstrates how we can take control of our cognitive health and prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. David PerlmutterDr. David Perlmutter - Neurologist, Author

The End of Alzheimer's offers a new approach to preventing and reversing Alzheimer's disease that is a game changer.

Dr. Mark HymanDr. Mark Hyman - Physician, Author

Dr. Bredesen's book gives new hope to those suffering from Alzheimer's disease and their families.

Dr. Daniel AmenDr. Daniel Amen - Psychiatrist, Author

The End of Alzheimer's is a monumental work. Dr. Bredesen completely recontextualizes this devastating condition away from a mysterious and unsolvable process to one that is both preventable and, yes, reversible.

Dr. Michael GregerDr. Michael Greger - Physician, Author
Dr. David PerlmutterDr. Mark HymanDr. Daniel AmenDr. Michael Greger


Rhonda Patrick

Rhonda Patrick
