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The End of Absence

256 pages, 2015


The generation growing up with the Internet will not know what it means to be unplugged. But those of us who have lived both with and without the crowded connectivity of the Internet have a rare opportunity—we can still recognize the difference between Before and After. We catch ourselves idly reaching for our phones at the bus stop, or we notice how a friend dives into Google during a conversation, mid-sentence. In this eloquent and thought-provoking book, Michael Harris argues that amid all the changes we're experiencing, the most interesting is the loss of absence—the end of silence. There's no real spare time when you carry a smartphone; today's rarest commodity is your own thoughts.

The Impact of Technology

In The End of Absence, Michael Harris explores the profound impact of technology on our lives. He suggests that we are the last generation to know what life was like before the internet, and this absence of technology is something we should value.

The Value of Absence

Harris encourages us to see the value in absence, in disconnecting from our digital world. He argues that constant connectivity can lead to a lack of deep thinking and creativity. So, take a break from your screens and see what happens.

The Experiment of Disconnection

In the book, Harris conducts an experiment where he disconnects from all digital devices for a month. He finds that this absence allows him to reconnect with himself and the world around him. Maybe it's time for you to try a digital detox too?

The Balance Between Digital and Real Life

The End of Absence isn't about completely rejecting technology. Instead, it's about finding a balance between our digital lives and our real ones. Harris suggests that we should make conscious choices about when and how we use technology.

The Power of Reflection

Harris encourages us to reflect on our relationship with technology. Are we using it in a way that enhances our lives, or is it controlling us? By taking a step back and reflecting, we can make changes that improve our wellbeing.



authorSatya Nadella, entrepreneur and technology, Recommending BestBooks

Satya Nadella
