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The End Is Always Near

288 pages, 2019



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Dan Carlin, the creator of the wildly popular, award-winning podcast Hardcore History, presents a compelling argument for why humanity has not yet seen its worst days. No one knows the answers to such questions—how could we?—but no one asks them more interestingly than Carlin.

In The End Is Always Near, he examines questions and historical events that force us to consider what sounds like fantasy: that we might suffer the same fate that all previous eras have. Combining his trademark mix of storytelling, history, and weirdness, Carlin connects the past and future in fascinating and colorful ways.

History Repeats Itself

Dan Carlin's book, The End Is Always Near, explores the idea that history has a tendency to repeat itself. He digs into various historical events and shows how they mirror current situations. This is a great reminder for us to learn from the past and avoid making the same mistakes.

The Fragility of Civilization

Carlin makes us see that our civilization is more fragile than we think. He takes us through different periods in history where societies have collapsed, making us realize that our modern society is not immune to such catastrophes. It's a wake-up call to take action and protect our civilization.

The Impact of Technology on Warfare

In The End Is Always Near, Carlin explores how technology has changed the face of warfare. He looks into how advancements in technology have made wars more destructive and deadly. This book will make you think about the implications of technological advancements on our future.

The Role of Individuals in Shaping History

Carlin's research shows that individuals play a significant role in shaping history. He shares stories of influential people who have changed the course of history, reminding us that we too can make a difference in the world.

The Importance of Preparedness

The End Is Always Near emphasizes the importance of being prepared for potential disasters. Carlin encourages us to learn from history and take steps to safeguard ourselves and our society from future catastrophes. This book will inspire you to take action and be more proactive in your life.


Bridget Phetasy

Bridget Phetasy

comedianmedia personality

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