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The Ego Trick

272 pages, 2012



711 books


705 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

Julian Baggini's essay "The Ego Trick" explores the nature of identity, going beyond challenging statements such as: "What and who are your true selves?" or "Is it something that stays the same through time and space, or is it much more fractured and fluid?" The author uses his trademark humor, captivating curiosity and bracing skepticism. He draws on philosophy's history, anthropology, sociology, psychology and neurology; interviews theologians, priests and allegedly reincarnated Lamas; describes his own experiences candidly and engagingly. You will never look at yourself the same way after reading The Ego Trick.

Understanding the Ego

In The Ego Trick, Julian Baggini explores the concept of the 'self' and how it's not as concrete as we might think. He suggests that our ego is more of a fluid construct, changing and evolving over time. This can help us understand why we sometimes feel like different people in different situations.

The Role of Narrative

Baggini emphasizes the importance of narrative in shaping our identity. He suggests that the stories we tell ourselves about who we are play a crucial role in defining our sense of self. So, if you're feeling a bit lost, it might be worth taking a look at the narrative you've created for yourself.

The Illusion of Continuity

The Ego Trick also explores the illusion of continuity. Baggini argues that while we may feel like the same person throughout our lives, this is more of a trick our minds play on us. In reality, we're constantly changing and evolving. This can be a liberating concept, as it means we're not bound by past versions of ourselves.

The Impact of External Factors

Baggini's research in The Ego Trick shows how our environment and experiences shape our identity. He suggests that our sense of self is not just internal, but also influenced by external factors. This can help us understand why we might feel different in different contexts, and how we can use this knowledge to navigate life more effectively.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Finally, The Ego Trick encourages us to engage in self-reflection. By understanding the fluidity of our ego and the role of narrative, we can better understand ourselves and make positive changes. So, why not dig into this book and see what you can learn about your own ego?
