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The Discovery of France

1848 pages, 2016



999 books

When Gustave Eiffel was creating his iconic tower in the late 19th century, France was a place of old tribal divides, prehistoric communication networks, and pre-Christian beliefs. French was a minority language in and of itself. In The Discovery of France, Graham Robb paints a vivid picture of that unknown world through his tales of all those who explored its territory: cartographers, scientists, warriors, bureaucrats, and adventurous visitors as well as nomadic laborers, pilgrims, and herders with their millions of migrating domestic animals. The book describes how the present nation came to be and what little is known about France today. Above all, it demonstrates how much needs to be explored in order for us to understand this ever-changing land. ”

Exploring the Diversity of France

In The Discovery of France, Graham Robb takes us on a journey through the diverse landscapes and cultures of France. He shows us that France is not just Paris, but a country rich in regional differences, languages, and traditions. It's a great reminder to look beyond the obvious and explore the hidden gems of any place.

Understanding the Historical Evolution

The book gives us a deep insight into how France evolved over the centuries. From the prehistoric times to the modern era, Robb traces the transformation of the country in a captivating way. It's like a time travel adventure that helps us understand the present by looking at the past.

Appreciating the Power of Storytelling

Robb's storytelling skills are truly remarkable. He weaves together facts, anecdotes, and personal observations to create a vivid picture of France. This book is a great example of how storytelling can make history come alive and engage readers in a unique way.

Learning from the Past

The Discovery of France is not just a history book, but a source of valuable lessons. It shows us how societies change, adapt, and grow. It's a great resource for anyone interested in social sciences, history, or just curious about how the world works.

Discovering the Unknown

One of the key takeaways from the book is the joy of discovery. Robb encourages us to dig deeper, ask questions, and find out more about the world around us. Whether you're a history buff, a travel enthusiast, or just a curious reader, this book will inspire you to embark on your own journey of discovery.

Quotes 3

The Discovery of France illuminates the evolution of France in a way that no other book has. It's a revelation of the true France, beyond the stereotypes.

Jan MorrisJan Morris - Historian, Author

Robb's The Discovery of France is a profound and unexpected examination of French history. It's a must-read for anyone interested in France's past and present.

Simon SchamaSimon Schama - Historian, TV Presenter

Graham Robb's The Discovery of France is a fascinating exploration of a country that I thought I knew. It's a book that will surprise and delight.

Ian McEwanIan McEwan - Novelist, Screenwriter
Jan MorrisSimon SchamaIan McEwan


authorNassim Nicholas Taleb

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
