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The Direction of War

335 pages, 2014



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

In this exciting new book, Sir Hew Strachan, one of the world's leading military historians, reveals how the wars since 9/11 have been a kind of return to old-fashioned, nineteenth-century warfare. These were not as new and revolutionary as they appeared: they were rather a reworking of earlier methods in ways that proved much more effective than expected. We need first to understand war if we are to fulfill its aims.

Understanding the Evolution of War Strategy

In 'The Direction of War', Hew Strachan explores the evolution of strategic thinking in warfare. He emphasizes that the way we approach war has changed significantly over time. This book will give you a deeper understanding of how military strategies have evolved and why they are what they are today.

The Importance of Political Strategy in War

Strachan highlights the crucial role of political strategy in warfare. He argues that military strategy cannot be separated from political objectives. If you're interested in the intersection of politics and war, this book will provide you with some fascinating insights.

The Misinterpretation of Clausewitz's Theories

One of the key points Strachan makes is about the common misinterpretation of Clausewitz's theories. He suggests that many have misunderstood Clausewitz's ideas, leading to flawed strategies. If you're into military theory, you'll find this part of the book particularly intriguing.

The Role of Technology in Modern Warfare

Strachan also discusses the impact of technology on modern warfare. He points out that while technology has changed the face of war, it hasn't replaced the need for sound strategy. This book will make you think about the role of technology in war in a new light.

The Need for a Comprehensive Approach to War

In 'The Direction of War', Strachan argues for a comprehensive approach to war that includes both military and political strategies. He believes that this is the key to successful warfare in the modern world. If you're interested in military strategy, you'll want to check out this book.


James Mattis

James Mattis


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