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The Devil All the Time

320 pages, 2012



1382 books

Set in rural southern Ohio and West Virginia, The Devil All the Time follows a cast of characters from the end of World War II to the 1960s. There’s Willard Russell, a tormented veteran of the carnage in the South Pacific, who can’t save his beautiful wife from an agonizing death by cancer, no matter how much sacrificial blood he pours on his “prayer log. ” There’s Carl Henderson, who trolls America’s highways searching for suitable models to photograph and exterminate. There’s Roy and Theodore, a husband-and-wife team of serial killers who use spider handling as their modus operandi. And caught in the middle of all this is Arvin Eugene Russell, Willard and Charlotte’s orphaned son—who grows up to be a good but also violent man in his own right.

Exploring the Dark Side of Human Nature

Donald Ray Pollock's The Devil All the Time takes us on a journey into the darkest corners of human nature. It's a chilling reminder that evil can lurk anywhere, even in the most ordinary of places. This book will make you question your understanding of good and evil, and might even make you look at the people around you in a new light.

The Power of Circumstances

The characters in The Devil All the Time are shaped by their circumstances. Pollock shows us how poverty, violence, and desperation can push people to their limits and beyond. It's a stark reminder that our environment plays a huge role in who we become. So, take a moment to appreciate the circumstances you're in and how they've shaped you.

The Complexity of Faith

Faith is a recurring theme in The Devil All the Time. Pollock explores the complexities of faith, showing how it can be both a source of comfort and a tool for manipulation. This book will make you think about your own beliefs and how they influence your actions.

The Importance of Resilience

Despite the darkness and despair, the characters in The Devil All the Time show remarkable resilience. They face unimaginable hardships, yet they keep going. This book is a testament to the human spirit and its ability to endure. It's a reminder that no matter how tough things get, we have the strength to keep going.

The Intricacies of Storytelling

Pollock's storytelling in The Devil All the Time is nothing short of masterful. He weaves together multiple narratives, creating a complex web of interconnected stories. This book will make you appreciate the art of storytelling and might even inspire you to try your hand at it.


authorAnthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain
