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The Decision Makeover

248 pages, 2017



909 books

Have you ever wondered why some people always make good decisions while others never get them right?

In The Decision Makeover, Mike Whitaker offers a thoughtful and strategic approach for choosing wisely in all aspects of your life, whether it’s about money, career, education, health, friends, or family.

With his background in business and psychology, he lays out a decision-making process that gives you the power to achieve your dreams. He even explains what to do if you’ve made poor decisions along the way so you can move ahead without regret. 

The Power of Decision Making

Mike Whitaker emphasizes the importance of decision making in shaping our lives. He suggests that every decision, big or small, can have a significant impact on our future. So, it's crucial to make decisions consciously and wisely.

The Concept of Decision Management

The Decision Makeover introduces the concept of 'decision management'. Whitaker explains that managing your decisions effectively can lead to a more successful and fulfilling life. It's not just about making decisions, but also about managing them.

The Role of Priorities

Setting priorities is a key theme in The Decision Makeover. Whitaker encourages readers to identify their top priorities and make decisions that align with these. This way, you can ensure your decisions are leading you towards your goals.

The Impact of Bad Decisions

Whitaker doesn't shy away from discussing the consequences of bad decisions. He explores how they can lead to setbacks and regrets. But, he also provides strategies for recovering from bad decisions and turning things around.

The Importance of Self-Reflection

In The Decision Makeover, self-reflection is highlighted as a crucial part of decision making. Whitaker suggests that by reflecting on our past decisions, we can learn valuable lessons and make better decisions in the future.

Quotes 3

The Decision Makeover is a game-changer. It provides a clear, concise roadmap to making better decisions and achieving your goals faster.

Brian TracyBrian Tracy - Motivational speaker

The Decision Makeover is a must-read. It offers a practical guide to making smarter decisions that will lead to more success in life and business.

Marshall GoldsmithMarshall Goldsmith - Leadership coach

The Decision Makeover is a powerful tool for anyone looking to improve their decision-making skills. It's a game-changer.

John AddisonJohn Addison - Business leader
Brian TracyMarshall GoldsmithJohn Addison


Kathryn Minshew

Kathryn Minshew


The Decision Makeover found in libraries

310 books

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