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The Curve

256 pages, 2013

business & management

business & management

1082 books

The Curve, by Nicholas Lovell, is a breakthrough business idea: Chris Anderson's The Long Tail meets Seth Godins Purple Cow. The Curve is a new way of doing business and of seeing the world. For most of the last century, companies strived to sell more and more products at uniform prices. But the future of business is about variation: tailoring products for customers of all stripes, and letting your biggest fans spend as much as they like on things they value.

Understanding the Curve

Nicholas Lovell's book, The Curve, introduces a new business model that focuses on the idea of 'freeconomics'. This means that businesses can offer free products or services to attract a large audience, and then monetize a small percentage of that audience who are super fans and willing to pay a premium for additional value.

The Importance of Super Fans

In The Curve, Lovell emphasizes the importance of super fans in a business model. These are the customers who are so passionate about your product or service that they are willing to pay more for additional value. By focusing on these super fans, businesses can generate significant revenue.

The Power of Free

The Curve encourages businesses to explore the power of offering free products or services. This can attract a large audience, which can then be monetized through a small percentage of super fans. It's a unique approach that challenges traditional business models.

The Curve in Practice

Lovell doesn't just talk about the theory of The Curve, he also provides practical examples of businesses that have successfully implemented this model. This allows readers to see the potential of The Curve in action and understand how they can apply it to their own businesses.

The Future of Business

The Curve isn't just a business model for today, it's a model for the future. As the digital economy continues to evolve, the principles of The Curve will become increasingly relevant. By understanding and implementing The Curve now, businesses can prepare for the future and stay ahead of the curve.


authorBrad Feld

Brad Feld

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor
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Matej Latin
