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The Cost of Hope

240 pages, 2012

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books

Amanda Bennett's compelling, eye-opening memoir is a love story about two exceptional individuals, their difficult marriage and strong devotion, and Bennett's battle to save her husband's life. While on assignment in China, Wall Street Journal writer Amanda Bennett meets Terence Bryan Foley, who is strange and irritating yet attractive. The last thing she expects is to marry him. Classic and boho, bow ties and batik, eccentric and sensible—they're all so distinct. Terence is tenacious; he assures her that she will have to rely on someone to look after her if they marry. Their marriage delivers turbulent passion and great love, as well as two loving children despite being initially as hostile as their courting. Then there's Terence's illness; Bennett must battle to extend his life, despite his reluctance to accept treatment for his condition.

Understanding the Healthcare System

Amanda Bennett's The Cost of Hope gives us a deep insight into the complexities of the American healthcare system. It's a great read if you want to explore the challenges and intricacies of medical care and insurance in the US.

Personal Journey through Illness

The book takes you on a personal journey of Bennett and her husband, as they navigate through his seven-year battle with cancer. It's a touching story that will make you see the human side of illness and the emotional toll it takes.

Financial Burden of Healthcare

Bennett's book also sheds light on the financial burden of healthcare. It's a must-read if you want to understand the real cost of hope when dealing with a serious illness. You'll find it eye-opening to see how medical bills can pile up.

Importance of Hope and Love

Despite the hardships, Bennett's story is also about the power of hope and love. It's a beautiful reminder of how these two elements can help us endure even the toughest of times. Check out The Cost of Hope to see how they managed to keep their spirits up.

Questioning the System

The Cost of Hope is not just a personal story, but also a critique of the healthcare system. Bennett encourages us to question and challenge the system, making it a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in healthcare reform.


Bill Gates

Bill Gates

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