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The Complete Guide to Trail Building and Maintenance

256 pages, 1998

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

Whether a recreational trail, the result of a federal land management agency's trail planning process, or an extensive engineered trail system, the Trail Interagency Management Guide helps to ensure that trails are built and maintained to provide a high level of sustainable enjoyment for all users.

Understanding the Basics of Trail Building

Carl Demrow's book is a great starting point for anyone interested in trail building. He breaks down the basics, from planning to construction, in a way that's easy to understand. You'll learn about the importance of considering the environment and the users of the trail during the planning process.

The Importance of Maintenance

One of the key points in the book is the importance of trail maintenance. Demrow emphasizes that a well-maintained trail not only ensures safety for its users but also helps preserve the natural environment. He provides practical tips and techniques on how to properly maintain a trail.

Environmental Considerations

The book also explores the environmental aspects of trail building. It's not just about creating a path; it's about doing it in a way that minimizes impact on the environment. Demrow shares insights on how to assess the environmental impact and make sustainable choices in trail construction.

Practical Tips and Techniques

The Complete Guide to Trail Building and Maintenance is packed with practical tips and techniques. From choosing the right tools to understanding the different types of trails, the book provides a wealth of information that can be applied in real-life situations.

Learning from Case Studies

What sets this book apart is the inclusion of case studies. These real-life examples provide a deeper understanding of the concepts discussed in the book. They allow readers to see how the principles of trail building and maintenance are applied in different scenarios.


authorStewart Brand

Stewart Brand
