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The Comedians

432 pages, 2015



999 books
arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

In The Comedians, comedy historian Kliph Nesteroff brings to life a century of American comedy. Based on over 200 original interviews and extensive archival research, this groundbreaking work is a narrative exploration of the way comedians have reflected, shaped, and changed American culture over the past 100 years. Starting with the vaudeville circuit at the turn of the last century, Nesteroff introduces the first stand-up comedian—an emcee who abandoned physical shtick for straight jokes. After the repeal of Prohibition, Mafia-run supper clubs replaced speakeasies and mobsters replaced vaudeville impresarios as the comedians' primary employer.

The Evolution of Comedy

In The Comedians, Kliph Nesteroff takes us on a journey through the history of comedy. From vaudeville to stand-up, he explores how comedy has evolved over the years. It's a fascinating look into the world of humor and how it has shaped our culture.

The Dark Side of Comedy

Nesteroff doesn't shy away from the darker aspects of comedy. He digs into the struggles and hardships comedians often face, from addiction to mental health issues. It's a raw and honest look at the price many pay for a laugh.

Comedy as a Reflection of Society

The Comedians shows us how comedy often reflects the times. Nesteroff explores how comedians have used their platform to comment on social and political issues, making us laugh while also making us think.

The Business of Comedy

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in the world of comedy? Nesteroff takes us backstage, revealing the business side of comedy. From booking gigs to dealing with club owners, it's a fascinating look into a side of comedy we rarely see.

Comedy's Influence on Popular Culture

In his book, Nesteroff shows us how comedy has influenced popular culture. From TV shows to movies, he explores the impact comedians have had on our entertainment. It's a great read for anyone interested in the intersection of comedy and culture.


Bill Burr

Bill Burr
