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The Cold Cold Ground

320 pages, 2019



1382 books

Belfast, 1981. A young woman is on the run. She knows the police are pursuing her, but it's not for anything she's done. In fact, she doesn't know what they want with her at all--and neither does Frank Duffy, the detective sergeant who's trying to track her down. He soon discovers that she was murdered by somebody who wants her dead, but why? And why was she meeting a member of the IRA shortly before she was killed? The Cold Cold Ground is a fast-paced novel about loyalty and revenge, guilt and innocence--set against a backdrop of hunger strikes and riots, power cuts and serial killers.

Exploring the Troubles in Northern Ireland

The Cold Cold Ground by Adrian McKinty takes you on a journey through the Troubles in Northern Ireland. It's a great way to learn about this turbulent period in history, as you follow the protagonist, Detective Sean Duffy, navigating through the political and social chaos.

A Gritty Crime Thriller

If you're a fan of crime thrillers, you'll love this book. McKinty has a knack for creating suspenseful and gripping narratives. The murder mystery at the heart of the story will keep you on the edge of your seat, eager to find out what happens next.

Character Development

Adrian McKinty does an excellent job of developing his characters, especially the protagonist, Sean Duffy. As you read, you'll see Duffy's character evolve and grow, making the story even more engaging. It's a great example of how to create compelling characters in a novel.

Exploring Themes of Identity and Belonging

The Cold Cold Ground isn't just a crime thriller. It also explores deeper themes of identity and belonging. As you read, you'll see how the characters struggle with their identities in a divided society, which adds another layer of depth to the story.

A Masterclass in Setting and Atmosphere

One of the standout features of this book is how well McKinty creates a sense of place and atmosphere. You'll feel like you're right there in 1980s Northern Ireland, experiencing the tension and uncertainty of the time. It's a great example of how to use setting to enhance a story.



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