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The Clockwork Universe

416 pages, 2012



999 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books

This is the remarkable story of a band of men who lived in a world of dirt and disease, but pictured a universe that ran like a perfect machine. A meld of history and science, this book is a group portrait of some of the greatest minds whoever lived as they wrestled with nature’s most sweeping mysteries. In the seventeenth century—an age of religious wars, plague, and the Great Fire of London—when most people saw the world as falling apart, these earliest scientists saw a world of perfect order. They declared that, chaotic as it looked, the universe was, in fact, as intricate and perfectly regulated as a clock.

The Birth of Modern Science

In The Clockwork Universe, Edward Dolnick takes us back to the 17th century, a time when science as we know it was just beginning. He explores the lives and works of great minds like Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz, who laid the foundations for modern physics and calculus.

The Power of Mathematics

Dolnick shows us how these early scientists used mathematics as a tool to understand the universe. They believed that the world was a giant clockwork machine, and that by using math, they could decode its secrets. It's a fascinating look into how math has shaped our understanding of the world.

The Intersection of Science and Religion

The book also explores the relationship between science and religion during this period. Despite their groundbreaking research, these scientists still held strong religious beliefs. Dolnick examines how they reconciled their faith with their scientific discoveries, a topic that still sparks debate today.

The Human Side of Genius

Dolnick doesn't just focus on the scientific achievements of these great minds. He also delves into their personal lives, revealing their quirks, rivalries, and struggles. It's a reminder that even geniuses are human, with all the complexities that come with it.

The Impact of the Scientific Revolution

Finally, The Clockwork Universe highlights the lasting impact of the scientific revolution. The discoveries made by these early scientists have shaped our modern world, from technology to philosophy. It's a testament to the power of curiosity and the human desire to understand the universe.


Sophie Bakalar

Sophie Bakalar

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist

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