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The Civilization of the Middle Ages

604 pages, 1993



999 books

Renowned historian Robert Bartlett here offers a new edition of his magnificent study of medieval Europe—one that takes into account the events that have occurred since its original publication in 1994, when it was universally praised as a masterful achievement. Now revised and expanded, this edition of the splendidly detailed and lively history of the Middle Ages contains more than 30 percent new material. In addition to completely revised chapters on social life, politics and law, warfare, religion and learning, the Church, towns and commerce, trade and literature, language and culture, science, technology and philosophy (with discussions of technological advances like printing), The Making of Europe also includes entirely new chapters on peasant life; religious devotion; feudalism and manorialism; "The Image of the World" (travelers' tales) ; and photography in nineteenth-century Russia.

Understanding the Middle Ages

In 'The Civilization of the Middle Ages', Norman F. Cantor provides a comprehensive look into the Middle Ages. He explores the social, political, and cultural changes that took place during this period. It's a great read if you're interested in understanding how the Middle Ages shaped the modern world.

The Role of Religion

Cantor digs deep into the role of religion during the Middle Ages. He shows how the Catholic Church was not just a religious institution, but also a political and social force that influenced every aspect of life. This book will help you see the Church in a new light.

The Birth of Modern Europe

The author takes us on a journey to see how the Middle Ages laid the foundation for modern Europe. From the fall of the Roman Empire to the rise of the Renaissance, Cantor explores the events and ideas that shaped the continent. You'll find it fascinating to see how the past influences the present.

The Influence of the Middle Ages

Cantor's research shows that the Middle Ages were not a 'dark' period, but a time of great innovation and progress. He argues that many of our modern institutions, ideas, and values have their roots in this period. Check out this book if you want to understand the lasting influence of the Middle Ages.

The Complexity of Medieval Society

In 'The Civilization of the Middle Ages', Cantor paints a complex picture of medieval society. He explores the lives of peasants, nobles, and clergy, showing that the Middle Ages were not a uniform period, but a time of great diversity and change. This book will give you a new appreciation for the richness of medieval history.


authorStewart Brand

Stewart Brand


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