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The Circle

192 pages, 2009



909 books
spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books

This inspiring guide has touched the hearts of millions, helping them to fulfill their deepest desires and dreams. Now in a specially priced hardcover edition, here is the beloved guide that shows how the power of one simple wish can transform your entire life. It takes only six steps to create an extraordinary miracle in your life.

Harnessing Intuition

Laura Day believes that everyone has an innate intuitive ability. She encourages readers to explore this inner wisdom and use it to make better decisions in life. It's like having a personal guide that's always with you.

The Power of Circles

The Circle emphasizes the importance of creating a circle of people who support and inspire you. Day suggests that by surrounding yourself with positive influences, you can achieve your goals more easily. So, take a look around and see who's in your circle.

Manifesting Your Desires

Laura Day teaches readers how to manifest their desires into reality. She provides practical steps to visualize and focus on your goals. It's time to dig deep into your dreams and make them come true.

The Importance of Action

While visualization is important, Day also stresses the need for action. She believes that you need to take steps towards your goals, not just think about them. So, get up and start moving towards your dreams.

Transforming Your Life

The Circle is not just a book, it's a tool for transformation. Laura Day provides exercises and techniques that can help you change your life. If you're ready for a change, this book might be just what you need.

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310 books

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