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The Broken Shore

357 pages, 2007



1382 books

 When homicide detective Joe Cashin returns to his hometown to run its one-man police station, he finds himself investigating a brutal attack on Charles Bourgoyne, a prominent member of the local community. The suspects are three young men from the local Aboriginal community, but Cashin isn't convinced and as the case unfolds amid simmering corruption and prejudice, he holds on to something dangerous that it might be better to let go of.

Exploring the Complexity of Characters

Peter Temple's The Broken Shore gives us a deep look into the complexity of its characters. The protagonist, Joe Cashin, is not just a detective but a man dealing with his own personal struggles. This book encourages us to see beyond the surface of people and understand their depth.

Understanding the Impact of Environment

The Broken Shore shows us how our environment can shape us. The small-town setting, with its unique culture and societal norms, plays a significant role in the story. It's a reminder to consider how our surroundings influence our actions and decisions.

Dealing with Prejudice and Discrimination

Peter Temple doesn't shy away from addressing tough issues. In The Broken Shore, he tackles prejudice and discrimination, showing us the harm they can cause. It's a call to action for us to challenge our own biases and strive for a more inclusive society.

The Importance of Facing the Past

In this book, the past is a constant presence that the characters must confront. It's a reminder that we can't ignore our history, but must face it head-on to truly move forward. This is a lesson we can all apply in our own lives.

Exploring the Intricacies of Crime and Justice

The Broken Shore is more than just a crime novel. It's a deep dive into the intricacies of justice and the impact of crime on a community. It encourages us to look beyond the headlines and understand the real consequences of crime.



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