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The Book of Virtues

832 pages, 1996



1382 books


711 books


705 books

  This book of moral tales has been drawing kids into its pages for years, and it still does so today. There are enough stories here to satisfy the most demanding parent, and enough variety to keep even the most cynical kid engaged. From the Bible to American history and from fairy tales to modern fiction, these 360 tales should form the core of every child's early education in values -- values that have made America great and are needed more than ever today in a complex technological world.

The Importance of Virtues

In The Book of Virtues, William J. Bennett emphasizes the importance of virtues in our lives. He believes that virtues are the foundation of a good character and a fulfilling life. So, take a look at this book to explore the different virtues and their significance.

Stories and Lessons

The Book of Virtues is not just a theoretical guide. It's filled with stories, poems, and fables that illustrate each virtue. Bennett uses these narratives to make the virtues more relatable and easier to understand. So, if you love a good story with a meaningful lesson, this book is for you.

Virtues for All Ages

Bennett's book is not just for adults. He believes that virtues should be taught from a young age. The Book of Virtues includes stories suitable for children, making it a great resource for parents and educators who want to instill good values in their kids.

A Guide to Personal Growth

The Book of Virtues is more than just a book; it's a guide to personal growth. Bennett encourages readers to reflect on their own lives and see how they can incorporate these virtues. So, if you're on a journey of self-improvement, you might want to check this book out.

A Timeless Classic

Despite being published over two decades ago, The Book of Virtues by William J. Bennett remains relevant today. Its timeless wisdom and universal themes make it a classic that continues to inspire readers. So, if you're looking for a book that stands the test of time, you might want to dig into this one.


authorGlenn Beck

Glenn Beck

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64 books

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