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The Book of Strange New Things

528 pages, 2015



1382 books
spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books

A masterwork from Michel Faber, set in a thrilling, futuristic world that combines the best of science fiction and spiritual epics. It begins with Peter, a devoted man of faith, as he is called to the mission of a lifetime—one that takes him galaxies away from his wife, Bea. Peter becomes immersed in the mysteries of an astonishing new environment overseen by an enigmatic corporation known only as USIC. His work introduces him to a seemingly friendly native population struggling with a dangerous illness and hungry for Peter’s teachings—his Bible is their “book of strange new things. ” But Peter is rattled when Bea’s letters from home become increasingly desperate: typhoons and earthquakes are devastating whole countries, and governments are crumbling.

Exploring the Concept of Faith

Michel Faber invites us to explore the concept of faith in 'The Book of Strange New Things'. The protagonist, Peter, is a Christian missionary sent to an alien planet. His faith is tested in this strange new environment, making us question the role of religion in our own lives.

Understanding the Importance of Communication

The book emphasizes the importance of communication in maintaining relationships. Peter and his wife, Bea, struggle to keep their relationship alive through letters. Their experiences make us realize how crucial effective communication is in our own relationships.

The Impact of Isolation

Faber makes us see the impact of isolation on the human psyche. Peter's isolation on the alien planet and his struggle to adapt to the new environment can make us reflect on our own experiences of loneliness and how we cope with it.

The Intricacies of Alien Cultures

In 'The Book of Strange New Things', we get to dig into the intricacies of an alien culture. Faber's detailed description of the alien race, the Oasans, and their culture, encourages us to be more open-minded and accepting of different cultures in our own world.

The Power of Love and Sacrifice

The book beautifully portrays the power of love and sacrifice. Despite the physical distance and challenges, Peter's love for Bea and his dedication to his mission show us the lengths people can go for their loved ones and their beliefs.

Quotes 4

A novel of faith and faithlessness, and the terrifying ways we fill the void when God is absent. Michel Faber's second masterpiece, quite different to The Crimson Petal and The White but every bit as luminary.

David MitchellDavid Mitchell - Cloud Atlas author

A beautiful exploration of what it is to be human, and the ways we cope with loss. Faber's writing is so gripping you'll want to finish it in one sitting.

Matt HaigMatt Haig - Reasons to Stay Alive author

A haunting, heartbreaking study of a man, a woman, and the gulf that begins to open between them. It's a book that's both hard to put down and hard to forget.

Kazuo IshiguroKazuo Ishiguro - Nobel laureate

A novel that manages to be both dreadfully sad and hilariously funny all at once. Faber's writing is so engaging, it's like a conversation with a friend you don't want to end.

Zadie SmithZadie Smith - White Teeth author
David MitchellMatt HaigKazuo IshiguroZadie Smith


Joel McHale

Joel McHale


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