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The Blazing World

384 pages, 2014



1382 books

In a dazzling literary experiment, Hustvedt has created a brilliant and provocative work that challenges the very nature of creativity, identity and gender. Through a captivating blend of fiction and scholarship, including a fictional scholar's afterword that questions whether this character was even real, this book unfolds through extracts from Burden's notebooks and conflicting accounts from others about her life, art and love affair with the celebrated artist Rune Olsen. An expansive novel about identity, gender and creativity told through multiple voices in multiple styles, it is at once playful and profound, personal and philosophical. Truly one of a kind. '

The Power of Perception

In The Blazing World, Siri Hustvedt explores the idea that perception can shape reality. The main character, Harriet, uses male pseudonyms to gain recognition for her art. This shows how societal perceptions of gender can influence the value placed on work. It's a thought-provoking look into how we perceive and value art and artists.

Exploring Identity

Hustvedt digs into the concept of identity in a unique way. Harriet, the protagonist, creates multiple identities to showcase her art. This raises questions about the authenticity of identity and how it's shaped by societal expectations. It's a fascinating exploration of the fluidity of identity.

The Influence of Gender on Success

The Blazing World takes a hard look at the role gender plays in success. Harriet's work is only recognized when presented under a male pseudonym, highlighting the gender bias in the art world. This book will make you question how much gender influences our perception of success.

The Intersection of Art and Psychology

Siri Hustvedt uses her background in psychology to explore the connection between art and the human mind. She delves into the psychological aspects of creativity and how our minds perceive and interpret art. It's a fascinating look into the psychology of art.

The Power of Deception

In The Blazing World, deception is a key theme. Harriet deceives the art world by presenting her work under male pseudonyms. This deception raises questions about truth, authenticity, and the value we place on art. It's a compelling exploration of the power and consequences of deception.

Quotes 3

The Blazing World is a fiery gem of a novel, filled with intellectual sparks and emotional depth. It's a must-read for anyone seeking a deep dive into the human psyche.

Margaret AtwoodMargaret Atwood - Canadian poet, novelist

Siri Hustvedt's The Blazing World is a masterful exploration of the human mind, a journey that is both enlightening and heartbreaking.

Joyce Carol OatesJoyce Carol Oates - American writer, professor

The Blazing World is a brilliant, thought-provoking novel that challenges the boundaries of identity and reality.

Ian McEwanIan McEwan - British novelist, screenwriter
Margaret AtwoodJoyce Carol OatesIan McEwan
