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The Best Way to Play

40 pages, 1997



1382 books

Little Bill and his friends LOVE the TV show Space Explorers. And so when the new Space Explorers video game comes out, they each want a copy.

But when Little Bill asks his parents to buy him the game, they say no. So Little Bill and his friends go to their friend Andrew's house to play the game.

What they discover, though, is that the video game isn't nearly as much fun nor as challenging as what their imaginations can dream up!

Importance of Imagination

In The Best Way to Play, Bill Cosby emphasizes the power of imagination. He encourages kids to explore their creativity and see how it can transform ordinary situations into extraordinary adventures. It's a great reminder for adults too, to not lose that childlike wonder.

Value of Non-Materialistic Play

Cosby's book is a great reminder that the best games aren't always the ones that cost money. He shows that children can have just as much fun, if not more, with simple, imaginative play. It's a great lesson in finding joy in the simple things.

Understanding Different Perspectives

The Best Way to Play teaches us to look at things from different perspectives. The characters in the book learn that what they initially thought was the 'best' way to play wasn't necessarily the only way. It's a valuable lesson in understanding and respecting others' viewpoints.

Learning Through Play

Bill Cosby beautifully illustrates how play can be a powerful learning tool. Through the characters' adventures, he shows how children can learn important life lessons and skills through their games and imaginative play.

The Joy of Friendship

One of the key takeaways from The Best Way to Play is the importance of friendship. The characters find that playing together and sharing experiences are what truly make their games fun. It's a heartwarming reminder of the joy and value of good friends.


authorOprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

actorentrepreneurmedia personalityauthor

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