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The Beast That Crouches At The Door

197 pages, 2007

spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books
business & management

business & management

1082 books

 Widespread recognition of the existence of God does not mean that we understand his nature and actions. And, as is often noted in religious studies classes, the Torahs narratives are often frustratingly difficult to understand. Does God truly not want humans to be able to tell right from wrong by banning Adam and Eve from eating from the Tree of Knowledge? This book investigates the early stories in the Book of Genesis, brings to light the great problems that we all grapple with, and provides a profound confrontation with notions that characterize what it is to be a Jew. These ideas can be used for penetrating discussions about issues relevant today -- relationships with others, families, friends and loved ones; struggles in making life choices between right and wrong; coming to terms with our own mortality; combating malevolent forces like anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism during the recent Holocaust remembrance period. "

Understanding the Genesis Story

In The Beast That Crouches At The Door, David Fohrman invites us to explore the story of Adam and Eve in a new light. He suggests that this story isn't just a simple tale of disobedience, but a complex narrative about human nature and moral choices.

The Concept of Free Will

Fohrman digs into the concept of free will, arguing that it's a central theme in the Genesis story. He believes that Adam and Eve's decision to eat the forbidden fruit represents the struggle we all face when making moral choices.

The Role of the Serpent

The author takes a closer look at the role of the serpent in the story. He suggests that the serpent isn't just a villain, but a symbol of our inner temptations and struggles. This perspective can help us understand our own inner beasts.

The Power of Interpretation

The Beast That Crouches At The Door shows us the power of interpretation. Fohrman encourages us to research and question traditional interpretations of religious texts, and to find our own meanings in these stories.

Applying Biblical Lessons to Modern Life

Finally, Fohrman helps us see how we can apply the lessons from the Genesis story to our modern lives. By understanding our own inner beasts and moral struggles, we can make better choices and live more fulfilling lives.


authorBen Shapiro

Ben Shapiro

journalistmedia personalitypoliticsauthor