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The Art of Exceptional Living
192 pages, 2003
Make your life into art. You don't have to be a super achiever, be unusually creative, endure great obstacles, or do exceptional things. Just do ordinary things exceptionally well, and that is the Art of Exceptional Living.
There are things you can do, should do, and must do to get your life on track toward success. They are already in your heart; you just need help uncovering them. In The Art of Exceptional Living, Rohn provides the ideas and inspiration that lead to unstoppable daily progress.
Using his exceptional powers of communication, he helps you through a difficult subject and teaches you how to get beyond personal setbacks and begin living according to your own rules. You'll begin by following the strategies of exceptional living, including Four major lessons that must be mastered in life.
Jim Rohn emphasizes the importance of personal development. He believes that investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. By reading, learning, and growing, you can become an exceptional individual. So, take some time to explore new knowledge and skills.
In The Art of Exceptional Living, goal setting is highlighted as a crucial step towards success. Rohn suggests that you should not only set goals but also write them down and review them regularly. This will help you stay focused and motivated. So, why not start setting your goals today?
Time is one of the most valuable resources we have, according to Rohn. He encourages us to use our time wisely and not waste it on unproductive activities. So, take a look at how you're spending your time and see if there are areas you can improve.
Rohn believes that your attitude plays a significant role in your success. A positive attitude can help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals. So, check your attitude and make sure it's helping you move forward, not holding you back.
The people you associate with can greatly influence your life, according to The Art of Exceptional Living. Rohn suggests that you should surround yourself with positive and successful people who inspire you. So, take a moment to think about who you're spending time with and how they're impacting your life.
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