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The Arabs

608 pages, 2017

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books

To Americans, the Arab world may seem like a desolate place characterized by religious extremism and political chaos. Years of insensitive U. S. policies have left the region unable to control its own destiny—which has fueled a deep sense of shame and impotence in a once-mighty people. This comprehensive history by Eugene Rogan traces five centuries of struggle, from the Ottoman conquests through the British and French colonial periods and up to the present age of unipolar American hegemony. The Arab world is now more acutely aware than ever of its vulnerability, and this sense of subjection carries with it vast geopolitical consequences that Eugene Rogan's book will help us understand.

Understanding the Arab World

Eugene Rogan's book 'The Arabs' is a deep exploration into the history and culture of the Arab world. It's a great read if you're looking to understand the complexities and nuances of this rich and diverse region.

Historical Perspective

Rogan provides a comprehensive historical perspective of the Arab world, tracing its roots from the Ottoman Empire to the modern day. It's a fascinating journey that helps you see the region in a new light.

Impact of Colonialism

The book delves into the impact of colonialism on the Arab world. Rogan's research shows how the region has been shaped by external influences and how it continues to grapple with the legacy of colonial rule.

Political Landscape

Rogan also takes a look at the political landscape of the Arab world. He explores the rise of nationalism, the struggle for independence, and the ongoing conflicts in the region. It's a must-read for anyone interested in Middle Eastern politics.

Cultural Insights

Beyond politics and history, 'The Arabs' also offers valuable cultural insights. Rogan paints a vivid picture of Arab society, exploring everything from language and religion to art and literature. It's a great way to gain a deeper appreciation for the richness of Arab culture.

Quotes 5

Rogan's 'The Arabs' is a comprehensive and enlightening exploration of the Arab world's history. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of the Arab world.

Albert HouraniAlbert Hourani - Historian, Scholar

Eugene Rogan's 'The Arabs' is a masterful work that provides a much-needed historical context to the Arab world. It is a book that should be on every reader's bookshelf.

Rashid KhalidiRashid Khalidi - Historian, Author

Rogan's 'The Arabs' is a monumental achievement that offers a profound understanding of the Arab world. It is a book that is both scholarly and accessible.

Bernard LewisBernard Lewis - Historian, Orientalist

Eugene Rogan's 'The Arabs' is a groundbreaking work that provides a comprehensive history of the Arab world. It is a book that is both enlightening and engaging.

Tariq AliTariq Ali - Writer, Filmmaker

Rogan's 'The Arabs' is a remarkable book that offers a deep understanding of the Arab world. It is a book that is both informative and thought-provoking.

Edward SaidEdward Said - Literary Theorist
Albert HouraniRashid KhalidiBernard LewisTariq AliEdward Said


Patrick Collison

Patrick Collison


The Arabs found in libraries

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