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The Age of Giant Corporations

328 pages, 1993

business & management

business & management

1082 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

This book describes the industries and corporations that have played major roles in the nation's economic growth since the outbreak of World War I. It concentrates on management, technology, marketing, and finance, and is concerned with the interrelations and intertwining of political and industrial power. The current edition includes a new chapter covering the impact of junk bonds and corporate governance in the 1980s and early 1990s, an age of restructuring and re-creation in giant corporations. Taking a chronological approach, the volume opens with a chapter on American business during World War I—a time when economic production increased dramatically to support the war effort. The author then covers the 1920s in two chapters: one on the glamour industries of the era (automobiles, motion pictures, radio), and one discussing power, consolidation, and mass distribution.

The Rise of Giant Corporations

Robert Sobel explores the rise of giant corporations in the 20th century. He shows how these corporations have shaped our society, economy, and politics. It's a fascinating look into the world of big business and its impact on our lives.

The Power of Corporations

The book delves into the immense power that these corporations hold. Sobel explains how they can influence government policies, control markets, and even shape public opinion. It's a must-read if you want to understand the dynamics of power in our modern world.

The Role of Government

Sobel also discusses the role of government in regulating these corporations. He argues that while government intervention is necessary to prevent abuses, it can also stifle innovation and competition. This is a thought-provoking perspective that challenges conventional wisdom.

The Impact on Workers

The Age of Giant Corporations doesn't just focus on the corporations themselves. Sobel also looks at how these corporations affect workers, from job security to wages and working conditions. It's a sobering look at the human cost of corporate power.

The Future of Corporations

Finally, Sobel speculates on the future of corporations. He suggests that they will continue to grow in power and influence, but also face new challenges and pressures. It's a fascinating glimpse into what the future might hold for us all.


authorPaul Graham

Paul Graham

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor

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87 books

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