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The 2 AM Principle

288 pages, 2016



909 books

Jon Levy used to be a nerd. Now, he runs with the bulls in Pamplona, battles Kiefer Sutherland in Jenga, and crashes million-dollar weddings. The E. P. I. C. Model of Adventure—a breakthrough four-step process (establish, Push Boundaries, Increase, Continue) for building the perfect adventure—can teach you how to do it just like him. With the mold-breaking brilliance of Timothy Ferriss’s The 4-Hour Work Week, and the geeky enthusiasm of a TED Talk, this book is your ticket to the next level. You’ll learn plenty, but the first lesson is easy: nothing good happens after 2 AM—except the most EPIC experiences of our lives.

Adventure is Everywhere

In The 2 AM Principle, Jon Levy suggests that adventure can be found in every situation. It's not about where you are, but how you approach it. So, next time you feel bored, try to see your surroundings from a different perspective and find the adventure in it.

The EPIC Model

Levy introduces the EPIC model in his book. EPIC stands for Establish, Push boundaries, Increase, and Continue. This model encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and keep the momentum going. It's a great tool to spice up your life.

The Importance of Connections

The 2 AM Principle emphasizes the importance of building connections. Levy believes that the people you meet can significantly influence your life. So, don't hesitate to strike up a conversation with a stranger. You never know where it might lead.

The Power of Novelty

Levy encourages readers to seek out new experiences. He argues that novelty not only makes life more exciting but also enhances our creativity and problem-solving skills. So, go ahead and try that new restaurant, learn a new skill, or visit a new city.

The Role of Risk

In his book, Jon Levy suggests that taking risks is an essential part of living an adventurous life. He doesn't mean reckless behavior, but calculated risks that push your boundaries and help you grow. So, don't be afraid to take that leap of faith.

Quotes 4

Jon Levy's book is a thrilling romp, pushing the boundaries of what's possible. It's a guidebook to an outlandishly fulfilling life.

A.J. JacobsA.J. Jacobs - Author, Journalist

Jon Levy's book is a fascinating journey into the world of adventure, excitement, and risk. It's a must-read for anyone looking to live life to the fullest.

Cal FussmanCal Fussman - American Journalist

Jon Levy's book is a captivating exploration of the science of adventure. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the human desire for exploration and novelty.

Dan ArielyDan Ariely - Behavioral Economist

Jon Levy's book is a thrilling exploration of the science of adventure. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the human desire for exploration and novelty.

James AltucherJames Altucher - Entrepreneur, Author
A.J. JacobsCal FussmanDan ArielyJames Altucher


Jim Kwik

Jim Kwik


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