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That's What She Said

336 pages, 2019

business & management

business & management

1082 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Companies with more women in senior leadership perform better by virtually every financial measure, and women employees help boost creativity and can temper risky behavior—such as the financial gambles behind the 2008 economic collapse.

Yet in the United States, ninety-five percent of Fortune 500 chief executives are men, and women hold only seventeen percent of seats on corporate boards. More men are reaching across the gender divide, genuinely trying to reinvent the culture and transform the way we work together.

Despite these good intentions, fumbles, missteps, frustration, and misunderstanding continue to inflict real and lasting damage on women’s careers.

What can the Enron scandal teach us about the way men and women communicate professionally? How does brain circuitry help explain men’s fear of women’s emotions at work? Why did Kimberly Clark blindly have an all-male team of executives in charge of their Kotex tampon line?

In That’s What She Said, veteran media executive Joanne Lipman raises these intriguing questions and more to find workable solutions that individual managers, organizations, and policymakers can employ to make work more equitable and rewarding for all professionals.

Filled with illuminating anecdotes, data from the most recent relevant studies, and stories from Lipman’s own journey to the top of a male-dominated industry, That’s What She Said is a book about success that persuasively shows why empowering women as true equals is an essential goal for us all—and offers a roadmap for getting there.

Understanding Gender Gap

Joanne Lipman's book 'That's What She Said' explores the gender gap in the workplace. She digs into the reasons behind the disparity and offers practical solutions to bridge this gap. It's a must-read for anyone looking to understand and address this issue.

Importance of Male Allies

In 'That's What She Said', Lipman emphasizes the importance of male allies in achieving gender equality. She believes that men need to be part of the conversation and the solution. Check out her book to find out how men can contribute to this cause.

Unconscious Bias

Lipman's research in 'That's What She Said' reveals how unconscious bias affects women in the workplace. She provides insightful examples and encourages readers to look into their own biases. It's a great resource for those who want to create a more inclusive environment.

Practical Advice

One of the key takeaways from 'That's What She Said' is the practical advice Lipman offers. She doesn't just highlight the problems, but also provides actionable steps to address them. If you're looking for ways to promote gender equality, this book is a great place to start.

Personal Stories

In 'That's What She Said', Lipman shares personal stories and experiences to illustrate her points. These stories make the book relatable and engaging. If you're interested in real-life examples of gender inequality and how to combat it, you should definitely take a look at this book.

Quotes 3

Joanne Lipman's book 'That's What She Said' is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to ensure that everyone's voices are heard equally.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - Huffington Post co-founder

'That's What She Said' is a game-changer. It's a must-read for anyone who cares about gender equality at work.

Adam GrantAdam Grant - Organizational psychologist

Joanne Lipman's 'That's What She Said' is a crucial book for men who want to step up and make a difference.

Sheryl SandbergSheryl Sandberg - Facebook COO
Arianna HuffingtonAdam GrantSheryl Sandberg


authorMark Cuban

Mark Cuban

entrepreneurmedia personalityventure capitalistauthor
authorAdam Grant

Adam Grant


That's What She Said found in libraries

204 books

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