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456 pages, 2015



392 books
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1064 books


711 books
spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books

In Tech Gnosis , Erik Davis argues that while the realms of technology and religion may seem worlds apart, religious impulses have inspired technological communication. He uncovers startling connections between seemingly disparate topics, such as electricity and alchemy; online role-playing games and occult practices; virtual reality and gnostic mythology; programming languages and Kabbalah. The final chapters address the apocalyptic dreams that haunt technology, providing vital historical context for understanding a future defined by the mutant intermingling of mind and machine, nightmare and fantasy.

The Intersection of Technology and Spirituality

In TechGnosis, Erik Davis explores the fascinating intersection of technology and spirituality. He suggests that technology is not just a tool, but a reflection of our deepest desires and beliefs. This book will make you see your gadgets in a whole new light.

The Evolution of Technology

Davis takes us on a journey through the evolution of technology, from ancient times to the digital age. He shows how our relationship with technology has changed over time, and how it continues to shape our society and culture. You'll find yourself thinking about the past, present, and future of tech in ways you never have before.

The Influence of Mythology on Technology

One of the most intriguing aspects of TechGnosis is how it links technology with mythology. Davis argues that our myths and stories have a profound influence on the technologies we create. This book will make you look at your favorite myths and legends in a whole new way.

The Role of Technology in Self-Discovery

TechGnosis isn't just about gadgets and gizmos. It's also about how technology can help us understand ourselves better. Davis explores how we use technology to explore our identities, our dreams, and our place in the universe. This book will inspire you to use your tech tools for self-discovery.

The Future of Technology

What does the future hold for technology? Davis doesn't claim to have all the answers, but he does offer some intriguing possibilities. From AI to virtual reality, he explores what might be on the horizon. If you're curious about the future of tech, you'll want to check out TechGnosis.

Quotes 3

TechGnosis is a tour-de-force of scholarship, insight, and juicy writing. It's the only book I know that makes sense of our hallucinatory times.

Terence McKennaTerence McKenna - Ethnobotanist, Author

TechGnosis is a revelation. It's like a new sense organ that lets us see where technology, consciousness, and culture intersect.

Douglas RushkoffDouglas Rushkoff - Media Theorist, Author

TechGnosis is a gleaming, mind-bending, soul-twisting, synapse-snapping cultural critique of the highest order.

Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling - Science Fiction Author
Terence McKennaDouglas RushkoffBruce Sterling


Jason Silva

Jason Silva

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