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Tech Boss Lady

256 pages, 2019



392 books
business & management

business & management

1082 books

In Tech Boss Lady, Girls in Tech founder Adriana Gascoigne offers the stories of more than 40 female entrepreneurs—including her own—to help those who are interested in launching a start-up or a career in technology understand what's really involved. Gascoigne includes an overview of the obstacles women face in launching or advancing their careers, including statistics on venture capital funding, advice on choosing your partners and getting funding, as well as strategies for success.

The Importance of Women in Tech

Adriana Gascoigne in Tech Boss Lady emphasizes the need for more women in the tech industry. She believes that diversity in tech leads to more innovative and inclusive solutions. So, if you're a woman considering a career in tech, this book will inspire you to take the leap.

Overcoming Challenges

Gascoigne shares her personal journey in the tech industry, including the challenges she faced as a woman. She provides practical advice on how to overcome these obstacles. If you're facing challenges in your career, you'll find her insights helpful.

Building a Supportive Network

In Tech Boss Lady, you'll see how important it is to build a supportive network. Gascoigne shares how she founded Girls in Tech, a global non-profit focused on the engagement, education, and empowerment of women in technology. This book will encourage you to find or create your own supportive community.

Empowerment through Education

Gascoigne stresses the importance of education for women in tech. She shares how learning new skills and staying updated with the latest tech trends can empower women in their careers. If you're looking to grow in your career, you'll find her advice on education enlightening.

The Power of Persistence

One of the key messages in Tech Boss Lady is the power of persistence. Despite the challenges she faced, Gascoigne never gave up. Her story will inspire you to keep going, no matter what obstacles you encounter in your career.

Quotes 4

Adriana Gascoigne's 'Tech Boss Lady' is a must-read for anyone looking to break into the tech industry. It's a powerful guide that provides practical advice and inspiration for women in tech.

Sheryl SandbergSheryl Sandberg - Facebook COO

Adriana Gascoigne's 'Tech Boss Lady' is a beacon of hope for women in tech. It's a testament to the power of resilience and determination.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - Huffington Post Founder

'Tech Boss Lady' by Adriana Gascoigne is a compelling read that offers invaluable insights into the tech industry. It's a must-read for aspiring tech leaders.

Marissa MayerMarissa Mayer - Former Yahoo CEO

Adriana Gascoigne's 'Tech Boss Lady' is a powerful book that provides a roadmap for women in tech. It's a must-read for anyone looking to make a mark in the tech industry.

Susan WojcickiSusan Wojcicki - YouTube CEO
Sheryl SandbergArianna HuffingtonMarissa MayerSusan Wojcicki


authorArianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington


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