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Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth

38 pages, 2011

arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

Warsan Shire, a Somali poet and writer, teaches Westerners how to give birth to their creativity. Her own poetry is an example of the more nuanced truths of earlier times—as in Tayeb Salih's work—and translates to the realm of lyric the work of the likes of Nawal El Saadawi. As Rumi said, Through Warsan, love finds its way through all languages on its own. In teaching my mother how to give birth, Warsan's debut pamphlet, we witness the unearthing of a poet who finds her way through all preconceptions to strike our hearts directly. Warsan Shire is a Kenyan-born Somali poet and writer who is based in London. Born in 1988, she is an artist and activist who uses her work to document narratives of journey and trauma.

Exploring the Power of Womanhood

Warsan Shire's book, Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth, is a powerful exploration of womanhood. It's a journey into the strength, resilience, and vulnerability of women. You'll find stories of love, loss, and survival that will make you see the world from a different perspective.

Understanding the Immigrant Experience

Shire's book gives us a unique look into the immigrant experience. It's not just about moving from one place to another, but also about the emotional journey that comes with it. You'll see the struggles, the hopes, and the dreams of those who have left their homes in search of a better life.

The Beauty of Poetry

If you're a fan of poetry, you'll love this book. Shire's words are raw, honest, and beautiful. They paint vivid pictures and evoke strong emotions. It's a great way to appreciate the beauty of language and the power of words.

Exploring Cultural Identity

Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth is also a deep dive into cultural identity. Shire, through her poetry, explores what it means to belong to two different cultures and how this shapes one's identity. It's a great read if you're interested in understanding cultural dynamics and personal identity.

The Power of Storytelling

Lastly, this book shows us the power of storytelling. Each poem tells a story, each word carries weight. Shire's storytelling ability is truly remarkable. It's a reminder of how stories can connect us, move us, and inspire us. So, if you're looking to be inspired, check out Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth.


Janet Mock

Janet Mock

activistmedia personalityauthor