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Talking to Humans

88 pages, 2014

business & management

business & management

1082 books


194 books

Talking to Humans is a practical guide to the qualitative side of customer development, an indispensable skill for vetting and improving any new startup or innovation. This book will teach you how to structure and run effective customer interviews—and turn learnings into action.

Importance of Customer Interaction

Giff Constable emphasizes the importance of talking to customers. He believes that understanding your customers' needs and wants is crucial for the success of your business. So, don't just sit behind your desk, get out there and start talking to your customers.

The Art of Asking Questions

In Talking to Humans, you'll find that asking the right questions is an art. It's not about bombarding people with questions, but about asking insightful ones that can lead to valuable answers. So, take a look at how you can improve your questioning skills.

Avoiding Assumptions

One key takeaway from the book is to avoid making assumptions. Constable advises that assumptions can lead to major mistakes in business. Instead, he encourages readers to research and gather facts before making decisions.

Learning from Failure

Failure isn't the end, it's a learning opportunity. This is a key message in Talking to Humans. Giff Constable encourages readers to see failure as a chance to learn and improve. So, don't be afraid to fail, use it as a stepping stone to success.

The Power of Observation

Observation is a powerful tool, according to Constable. He suggests that by observing customers, you can gain insights that you might not get from just talking to them. So, take some time to watch and learn from your customers.


Ron Conway

Ron Conway

investorventure capitalist

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