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Talking to Crazy

272 pages, 2018



705 books


909 books

For many people, a spouse or boss who is acting “crazy” or irrational seems like they're out of control. However, psychiatrists know that it's not quite that simple. 

It's hard to understand why a person in your life would act that way when you don't know what is going on for them. Yet psychiatrist Mark Goulston says it's possible to communicate effectively with people who are acting in an irrational manner, even if you don't know what's going on for them personally.

In Talking to Crazy, Goulston shares his bestselling formula for getting through to the resistant people in your life: You have to learn to lean into the crazy to empathize with it. When you do this, you'll find that the person receives your communication more readily—and the communication will be far more effective. 

Understanding 'Crazy'

In Talking to Crazy, Mark Goulston helps us understand that 'crazy' is not about mental illness, but about people who act irrationally. He encourages us to see these people not as 'crazy', but as 'dysregulated' - overwhelmed by emotions they can't control.

The Power of Empathy

Goulston emphasizes the importance of empathy in dealing with irrational people. He suggests that by trying to understand their perspective, we can better communicate with them and help them regain control of their emotions.

The 'Lean into Crazy' Technique

One of the key techniques Goulston introduces in Talking to Crazy is 'leaning into crazy'. This involves acknowledging the other person's feelings without judgement, which can help defuse tension and open up a more productive conversation.

The Role of Active Listening

Active listening is another crucial skill Goulston highlights. He explains that by really listening to what the other person is saying, we can better understand their point of view and respond in a way that helps them feel heard and understood.

Practical Strategies for Difficult Conversations

Talking to Crazy is packed with practical strategies for dealing with difficult conversations. From dealing with a stubborn boss to a volatile partner, Goulston provides actionable advice that can help you navigate these challenging situations with grace and understanding.


Cynthia Johnson

Cynthia Johnson


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