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Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

120 pages, 2007



1382 books

Fudge, Peter Hatcher’s younger brother, is a three-year-old boy who often exhibits behaviors typical of children his age. Whether he’s throwing tantrums in shoe stores or in Burger Heaven or smearing mashed potatoes on the walls, he has a way of getting into trouble. He is an energetic and curious child who will stop at nothing to get his own way and enjoy himself. His almost never-ending energy can be both amusing and frustrating to Peter, as well as to those around him. The most recent mishap involves Fudge stealing Peter’s pet turtle from him and hiding him in a treehouse; this only solidifies Peter's desire for the attention his parents so consistently give Fudge instead of him, but how can he show it?

Understanding Sibling Rivalry

In 'Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing', Judy Blume explores the theme of sibling rivalry. The main character, Peter, often feels overshadowed by his younger brother, Fudge. This book can help you understand the dynamics of sibling relationships and how to navigate them.

The Importance of Patience

Peter's patience is constantly tested by Fudge's antics. Through his experiences, we see the importance of patience, especially when dealing with younger siblings or children. It's a great lesson for anyone who finds themselves losing their cool too quickly.

Dealing with Unfairness

Life isn't always fair, and Peter learns this the hard way. He often feels that his parents favor Fudge, which is a common feeling among older siblings. This book can help you explore ways to deal with feelings of unfairness and jealousy.

Growing Up and Responsibility

As the older brother, Peter has more responsibilities than Fudge. He's often tasked with looking after his younger brother, which can be frustrating. This book can help you see the challenges and rewards of growing up and taking on more responsibilities.

The Value of Humor

Despite the challenges Peter faces, 'Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing' is filled with humor. Judy Blume shows us that even in tough situations, it's important to find the humor and not take life too seriously. It's a great reminder to look for the funny side of things.


Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker


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