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Supremacy and Oil

248 pages, 1982



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Supremacy and Oil focuses upon the role of oil in British policy and argues that the importance of petroleum to British interests led Britain to support a strong, authoritarian regime in Iraq, with the aim of ensuring that the country's resources remained under British control.

Understanding the Power of Oil

In Supremacy and Oil, William Stivers explores the immense power and influence that oil has on global politics and economics. He shows how control over oil resources can lead to supremacy and dominance in the world stage. It's a fascinating look into the world of oil that you won't want to miss.

The Role of Oil in World Wars

Stivers digs into the role of oil in the World Wars, showing how it was a critical resource that influenced the outcomes of these global conflicts. It's a unique perspective that will make you see history in a new light.

The Impact of Oil on the Economy

The book also takes a look at how oil impacts the economy. Stivers explains how fluctuations in oil prices can have far-reaching effects on the global economy. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complex relationship between oil and the economy.

The Future of Oil

What does the future hold for oil? Stivers explores this question in depth, discussing potential scenarios and their implications. If you're curious about the future of energy, this book will provide you with plenty of food for thought.

The Politics of Oil

Finally, Supremacy and Oil delves into the politics of oil. It examines how countries use oil as a tool for political leverage and how this can lead to conflicts and power struggles. It's a fascinating exploration of the intersection between politics and oil.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky


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