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Stretching the School Dollar

360 pages, 2010

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
You have never had to balance cost-cutting with striving for greater student achievement as you do today. It's not just that your financial resources are limited; reducing wasteful spending can be the key to freeing up resources for better educational opportunities for students.
Rethinking School Spending

Frederick M. Hess suggests that we need to rethink how we spend money in schools. Instead of just pouring more money into the system, we should focus on spending it more effectively. This means looking at where the money is going and making sure it's being used in the best possible way.

The Importance of Efficiency

In 'Stretching the School Dollar', Hess emphasizes the importance of efficiency in education. He argues that schools need to do more with less, and find ways to deliver high-quality education without breaking the bank. This could involve using technology, rethinking staffing models, or finding other innovative solutions.

The Role of Technology

Hess explores the role of technology in education. He suggests that technology can be a powerful tool for improving efficiency and effectiveness in schools. However, he also warns that technology is not a magic bullet and needs to be used thoughtfully and strategically.

The Need for Innovation

The author encourages schools to embrace innovation. This could involve trying out new teaching methods, experimenting with different learning models, or finding new ways to engage students. He believes that innovation is key to improving education and making the most of limited resources.

The Power of Accountability

Finally, Hess stresses the importance of accountability in education. He argues that schools need to be held accountable for their performance and their use of resources. This means setting clear expectations, tracking progress, and taking action when schools fall short.


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