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Stress Less, Accomplish More

272 pages, 2019



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business & management

1082 books
You know that you should be meditating, and so do we. This entertaining and enlightening book will take meditation mainstream. In a high-stress, overworked world, the answer to accomplishing more is not to do more. The answer is to take a mental break. When you make time for meditation practice, you’ll find yourself more productive than if you had taken an hour-and-a-half nap or had a cup of coffee. Meditation expert Emily Fletcher teaches Ziva Meditation at numerous global corporations, including Google, Barclays Bank, and Viacom. She offers students a five-times greater rest than sleep in just minutes of meditation daily.
The Power of Meditation

Emily Fletcher emphasizes the importance of meditation in reducing stress and increasing productivity. She suggests that even a few minutes of daily meditation can have a significant impact on your mental health and overall well-being. So, why not give it a try and see the difference it can make in your life?

The 2X Breath Technique

One of the key techniques Fletcher introduces in Stress Less, Accomplish More is the 2X Breath Technique. This simple yet effective method can help you calm your mind and body, making it easier to focus on your tasks and achieve your goals. Check it out and find out how it can help you.

The Role of Sleep

Sleep is not just about resting, it's a crucial part of our health and productivity. Fletcher explains how a good night's sleep can help us perform better and reduce stress levels. So, don't underestimate the power of sleep, explore ways to improve your sleep quality and see how it can boost your productivity.

The Importance of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is not just a buzzword, it's a powerful tool to manage stress and improve focus. Fletcher encourages us to practice mindfulness in our daily lives, not just when we meditate. So, take a look at how you can incorporate mindfulness into your routine and reap its benefits.

The Connection Between Stress and Performance

In Stress Less, Accomplish More, Emily Fletcher explores the connection between stress and performance. She argues that by managing stress effectively, we can enhance our performance in all areas of life. So, dig into this book and learn how to turn stress into a positive force in your life.

Quotes 3

Emily Fletcher's book is a life-saver. She takes the stress out of meditation, and makes it fun, easy, and accessible for everyone. She's a master teacher and her techniques work.

Mark HymanMark Hyman - Physician, Author

Emily Fletcher's Ziva Technique is a game changer. I now use it every day and it has been transformative. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - Author, Businesswoman

Emily Fletcher's book Stress Less, Accomplish More is a compelling introduction to the profound impact meditation can have on your life. She's a powerful storyteller and makes learning meditation fun and accessible.

Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra - Author, Public Speaker
Mark HymanArianna HuffingtonDeepak Chopra


Aubrey Marcus

Aubrey Marcus

entrepreneurmedia personalitysportauthor

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