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Strategy, Ethics and the War on Terrorism

88 pages, 2003



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
Pierce, Director of the Center for the Study of Professional Military Ethics at the U. S. Naval Academy, explores the shifting terrain where strategy and ethics collide in the war on terrorism in his two long, thoughtful essays (detailing the case study of America's ill-fated intervention in Haiti). He is currently directing a multi-year project on ethical challenges and the future of conflict at the National War College.
Understanding the Complexity of Terrorism

Albert Pierce's book, Strategy, Ethics and the War on Terrorism, encourages readers to explore the intricate nature of terrorism. He argues that it's not a simple black and white issue, but rather a complex problem that requires a multifaceted approach.

The Role of Ethics in War

Pierce emphasizes the importance of ethics in warfare. He suggests that even in the face of terrorism, it's crucial to uphold ethical standards. This book will make you see the importance of maintaining moral high ground, even in the most challenging situations.

Strategic Approach to Counter Terrorism

The book encourages readers to research and understand the strategic approach to counter-terrorism. Pierce argues that a well-thought-out strategy is key to effectively combating terrorism, rather than reactive measures.

The Impact of Terrorism on Society

Take a look at how terrorism impacts society as a whole. Pierce digs into the societal consequences of terrorism, including fear, division, and the potential for escalated violence. This book will help you understand the ripple effects of terrorism on a broader scale.

The Importance of International Cooperation

Pierce highlights the need for international cooperation in the fight against terrorism. He suggests that a united front is more effective than individual efforts. Check out this book to find out why global collaboration is crucial in the war on terrorism.


James Mattis

James Mattis
