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480 pages, 1999

arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

Screenwriter Robert McKee's $450 seminars have earned him a reputation for inspiring novices, refining works in progress, and putting major screenwriting careers back on track. In addition, his lecture series has drawn thousands of writers, producers, development executives, and agents, who say McKee's lessons are mesmerizing and intense.

The most prestigious among writing programs, the seminar offers insights into creating a winning screenplay with Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting.

In the book's introduction, McKee writes admiringly of three great scenes—the final scene in Casablanca, the shooting party scene in A Room with a View, and the restaurant scene in Annie Hall—and he goes on to discuss romance at length.

In one particularly memorable section, he writes that "when lovers embrace in a movie… their feeling of togetherness is expressed by an image of two halves becoming one." Elsewhere, McKee describes his work habits (he writes only by hand) and talks about some of his favorite movies (Chinatown is his favorite). 

Above all else, Story clarifies that no blueprint for good storytelling exists; instead, there are many ways to create a compelling story.

The Importance of Structure

In 'Story', Robert McKee emphasizes the importance of a well-structured narrative. He believes that a compelling story is built on a solid structure, not just good ideas. So, if you're planning to write a story, make sure to pay attention to its structure.

Character Development is Key

McKee insists that characters should not be static. They need to evolve and grow throughout the story. This makes them more relatable and engaging to the readers. So, when you're crafting your characters, think about their journey and how they change over time.

Conflict Drives the Story

According to McKee, conflict is the engine that drives a story. Without it, the story becomes dull and uninteresting. So, when you're writing, always think about the conflicts your characters might face and how they would react to them.

The Power of Subtext

In 'Story', McKee encourages writers to explore the power of subtext. This is the underlying message or theme that is not explicitly stated but can be inferred by the readers. It adds depth and richness to your story, making it more engaging.

The Art of Storytelling

McKee believes that storytelling is an art that can be learned and mastered. In his book, he provides practical advice and techniques to help you improve your storytelling skills. So, if you're interested in becoming a better storyteller, you should definitely check out 'Story'.

Quotes 3

Story by Robert McKee is the most enlightening book about scriptwriting I've ever read.

John CleeseJohn Cleese - Comedy, Acting, Writing

McKee's Story is a book that every screenwriter should read. It's a masterclass in storytelling.

Peter JacksonPeter Jackson - Directing, Producing, Screenwriting

Story by Robert McKee is a profound examination of the art of storytelling. It's a must-read for any writer.

Akiva GoldsmanAkiva Goldsman - Screenwriting, Producing, Directing
John CleesePeter JacksonAkiva Goldsman


authorRolf Potts

Rolf Potts

journalistmedia personalityauthor

Story found in libraries

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