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Stephen Florida

304 pages, 2018



1382 books
The story begins with a fox, a cat, and a silkworm: Foxcatcher meets The Art of Fielding, Stephen Florida follows a college wrestler who, despite his profound loneliness, becomes obsessed with winning the nationals and will stop at nothing to be number one. Profane and manic, amidst loneliness and obsession, the story is quickly changing into something uncanny. It's a story of desire: desire to do your best, to be healthy, to be strong. But it becomes clear soon enough that competition brings out the worst in people. And obsession can lead you somewhere dark…
The Power of Obsession

In Stephen Florida, Gabe Habash explores the theme of obsession. The main character, Stephen, is completely consumed by his desire to win a wrestling championship. This obsession drives the plot and shapes Stephen's character. It's a fascinating look into how single-minded focus can both help and hinder us.

The Struggles of Isolation

Habash paints a vivid picture of isolation and loneliness in Stephen Florida. Stephen's obsession with wrestling isolates him from others, leading to a sense of loneliness. This book encourages us to consider the importance of balance in our lives and the dangers of isolating ourselves in pursuit of our goals.

The Complexity of Human Nature

Stephen Florida is not just about wrestling; it's about the complexity of human nature. Stephen is a complex character with both likable and unlikable traits. Habash invites us to explore the depths of human nature, reminding us that people are not simply 'good' or 'bad', but a mix of both.

The Importance of Goals

Stephen's goal to win the wrestling championship is the driving force of his life. This book encourages us to set our own goals and pursue them with determination. However, it also warns us of the potential dangers of becoming too consumed by our ambitions.

The Intricacies of Relationships

In Stephen Florida, relationships play a crucial role. Stephen's relationships with his coach, his love interest, and his rivals all shape his journey. Habash encourages us to look into our own relationships and consider how they influence our lives.

Quotes 3

Stephen Florida is a fascinating exploration of obsession and the drive for perfection. It's a riveting read.

Roxane GayRoxane Gay - Feminist writer

Stephen Florida is a deeply compelling character study, a portrait of a young man's consuming ambition.

Garth GreenwellGarth Greenwell - Novelist, poet

Stephen Florida is a triumph of storytelling, a brutal and addictive novel.

Lauren GroffLauren Groff - Bestselling author
Roxane GayGarth GreenwellLauren Groff
