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192 pages, 2014

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
A series of talks, articles, and recollections on the history of space exploration have been assembled to celebrate the human exploration of space. The Starmus meeting in 2011 on Tenerife hosted the legendary Russian and American pioneers of the space age, who shared the moments that electrified the human race. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Bill Anders, Yuri Baturin, Charlie Duke, Victor Gorbatko, Alexei Leonov, Jim Lovell, Claude Nicollier, and Sergei Zhukov tell their personal stories of the first space walk, the lunar landing, the heroic recovery of Apollo 13, the repair of the Hubble Space Telescope, and much more. Our discovery of the Universe, our place within it and the meaning of life on Earth were also celebrated at Starmus through presentations from some of the world's leading scientists and thinkers.
The Universe is a Fascinating Place

Garik Israelian invites us to explore the wonders of the universe in Starmus. He makes it clear that there's so much more to learn about the cosmos, from the stars to the galaxies and beyond. It's a journey that will leave you in awe of the vastness and beauty of space.

Science and Art are Intertwined

In Starmus, Israelian shows us that science and art are not separate entities, but rather two sides of the same coin. He beautifully blends the scientific facts with artistic interpretations, making the book a unique blend of knowledge and creativity.

The Importance of Astronomy

Starmus is a testament to the importance of astronomy. It's not just about studying stars and planets, but also about understanding our place in the universe. Israelian encourages us to look up and appreciate the cosmos, reminding us that we are all stardust.

The Power of Curiosity

One of the key messages in Starmus is the power of curiosity. Israelian encourages us to ask questions, to dig deeper, and to never stop learning. It's a call to action for all of us to keep exploring, to keep seeking answers, and to keep pushing the boundaries of our knowledge.

The Role of Technology in Space Exploration

In the book, he also highlights the role of technology in space exploration. From telescopes to space probes, technology has allowed us to see and understand the universe in ways that were once unimaginable. It's a reminder of how far we've come, and how much further we can go.


authorBrian Cox

Brian Cox
