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Standard Deviation

336 pages, 2018



1382 books
In Graham Cavanaugh's second marriage, his wife, Audra, is everything his first wife was not. She considers herself privileged to live in the age of the hair towel, talks non-stop through her epidural, labor and delivery, invites the doorman to move in and the eccentric members of their son’s Origami Club to Thanksgiving. She is charming and spontaneous and fun—but life with her can be exhausting. In the midst of the day-to-day difficulties and delights of marriage and raising a child with Asperger’s, his first wife reenters Graham’s life. Former spouses are hard to categorize – are they friends, enemies, old flames, or just people who know you really, really well?
Embrace the Unpredictability of Life

In Standard Deviation, Katherine Heiny explores the unpredictability of life through the lens of her characters. She shows us that life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and it's our ability to adapt and embrace these changes that truly defines us. So, take a look at your own life and see how you can better embrace its unpredictability.

The Importance of Acceptance

One of the key themes in Standard Deviation is acceptance. Heiny shows us that accepting others for who they are, flaws and all, is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. So, why not take a moment to reflect on your own relationships and see if there's room for more acceptance?

Humor as a Coping Mechanism

Heiny uses humor as a coping mechanism for her characters in Standard Deviation. It's a reminder that even in the face of adversity, finding humor can help us cope and even thrive. So, next time you're facing a tough situation, try to find the humor in it.

The Complexity of Relationships

Standard Deviation is a deep dive into the complexity of relationships. It shows us that relationships are not always black and white, and that they require work, understanding, and compromise. So, take some time to explore the relationships in your own life and see how you can improve them.

The Beauty of Imperfection

In Standard Deviation, Heiny celebrates the beauty of imperfection. She shows us that it's our quirks and flaws that make us unique and lovable. So, why not take a moment to appreciate your own imperfections and see them as a source of beauty?


Zoë Foster Blake

Zoë Foster Blake
