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Sous Vide at Home

288 pages, 2016

health & fitness

health & fitness

316 books
Sous vide has been a popular cooking technique in restaurants for years, offering tender and succulent dishes cooked to perfection. Now, from the creator of Nomiku—the first affordable sous vide machine—comes this easy-to-follow cookbook that clearly illustrates how to harness the power of sous vide technology to achieve restaurant-quality dishes in the comfort of your own kitchen. Featuring over 100 recipes for everything from Halibut Tostadas, Grilled Asparagus with Romesco, and Chicken Tikka Masala, to Dulce de Leche, Hassle-Free Vanilla Ice Cream, and even homemade Coffee-Cardamom Bitters, Sous Vide at Home has you covered for every occasion.
Understanding Sous Vide

Lisa Q. Fetterman introduces us to the world of sous vide cooking. This method involves sealing food in a bag and cooking it in a water bath at a precise temperature. It's a unique way to prepare meals that ensures even cooking and incredible flavor.

Benefits of Sous Vide Cooking

The book explores the many benefits of sous vide cooking. It's not just about taste, but also about health and convenience. Sous vide allows for precise control over cooking, which can help retain more nutrients in your food. Plus, it's a great way to save time in the kitchen.

Recipes Galore

Sous Vide at Home is packed with a variety of recipes to try. From meats and fish to vegetables and desserts, there's something for everyone. Lisa Q. Fetterman makes it easy to get started with sous vide cooking, no matter your dietary preferences or cooking skill level.

Tips and Tricks

The author shares her expert tips and tricks for successful sous vide cooking. She covers everything from choosing the right equipment to achieving the perfect texture and flavor. It's like having a personal cooking coach guiding you every step of the way.

The Science Behind Sous Vide

If you're curious about the science behind sous vide, this book has you covered. Fetterman explains how this cooking method works and why it results in such flavorful, perfectly cooked meals. It's a fascinating look into the art and science of cooking.


Garry Tan

Garry Tan

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist

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66 books

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