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Somewhere Towards the End

182 pages, 2009

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books
Diana Athill has been an acclaimed editor of writers like V. S. Naipaul and Jean Rhys for over five decades. In her memoirs, Athill has made a reputation for the honest way she writes about both personal and professional life. Now in her nineties, Athill expresses herself with surprising candor and at times even humor about her ideas on aging. She reflects on the losses brought by age: friends and pets pass away, while the body becomes less resilient. She discusses with poise and wisdom how to face death without fear. Athill's writing is distinguished by clarity, wit, and grace…she informs her readers that they can live productive lives well into their nineties if they take care of themselves (Daily Telegraph).
Embrace Aging

In 'Somewhere Towards the End', Diana Athill encourages us to embrace aging rather than fear it. She shares her personal experiences and insights, showing us that growing old can be a time of self-discovery and personal growth. It's a great read if you want to explore a fresh perspective on aging.

Life Continues to be Interesting

Athill proves that life doesn't stop being interesting as you age. She shares her adventures and experiences, showing us that there's always something new to learn and explore, no matter how old you are. Check out her book if you're looking for an inspiring read.

Honesty is the Best Policy

One of the key takeaways from 'Somewhere Towards the End' is the importance of honesty. Athill is brutally honest about her life, her relationships, and her experiences. This book will inspire you to be more honest in your own life and see the value in telling the truth.

The Importance of Acceptance

Athill teaches us the importance of acceptance in her book. She accepts her age, her past, and her future with grace and dignity. This book will encourage you to accept your own life circumstances and find peace in them.

The Joy of Simplicity

In 'Somewhere Towards the End', you'll find that Athill finds joy in the simple things in life. She appreciates the beauty of nature, the pleasure of reading, and the comfort of good company. This book will inspire you to slow down and appreciate the simple things in your own life.


authorLena Dunham

Lena Dunham


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498 books

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